Practice Exercise

Hello! My name is Ailyn Medel, this year is my firt's studying Chemestry and Farmacology, I am so excited! 
At firt's I didn't like English, it was just a subject in the school for me, but then when I was 13 years old, I had a teacher that made me love English, she was so nice with me either if I had good grades or not, then I started studying it, liking it, and loving it. Even I started understood the songs without the lyrics, and that was a big step for me because I always hear music in English. The same happend with my favorite TV serial, Friends, I watch it always that I can, even if it's background while I clean the dishes, I still can understand and laugh, it's so funny!
However, I can read, hear, write (kinda), but the most difficult for me is the pronunciation, I think I haven't practice enough, but not because I don't want it, but now that I'm out of school I don't have someone that can correct me when I'm wrong. That's why I wanted so bad take this class, that way I can continue learning and improve this beautiful lenguage.  


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