My Autobiography

Hi! nice to see you again, this time I will talk to you about myself, that way we can know each other better. 
I was born on May 26th, 2001, in the city of Santiago, so I am 18 years old. I did my elemetentary school at Colegio Piamarta, this was very close to my home so I could wake up later without my parents knowing! But that didn't last forever :( I did my high school at Liceo 1 Javiera Carrera, and this was very far from my home, it was a trip of almost one hour!! I hated it, but there I learned a lot of things and I made good friends so I can't complain at all. Now I am at the university, and honestly I couldn't do it without the suport of my family. I live with my mom, my two little sisters and my two dogs, Ramona and Akila, all of us are in the house because the quarentine so when they see me stressed, without time even to have luch together, they gently come to my room to bring me food and spend a little time together. And my dogs!, what can I say, they are always next to me, sometimes I feel they are sad because now we don't spend a lot of time playing or going to take a walk, so I take every chance I have to be with that two crazy dogs.
Rigth now, I don't have time to my hobbies to :( I like to watch TV, practice a little of sports once in a while, and most of all share time with friends and all my family, those already mentioned and my dad, my grandparents, my little cousins, etc. I hope the quarentine finishes soon and all can be together.


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